The Organization specializes in the engineering and design, project management, procurement, construction management, maintenance, test and commissioning of onshore and offshore oil and gas, chemical, environmental and power installation patterned to guarantee customer satisfaction.
The objective of the Management of the Organization is to provide these services in a manner, which conforms to contractual and regulatory requirements, using qualified, trained and experienced personnel.
In order to achieve this objective, it is the policy of the Organization to establish and continue to maintain an effective and efficient quality system, planned and developed in conjunction with other management functions. The quality system shall comply with international standards. The assessment of conformity of work to contract and regulatory requirements is made on the basis of objective evidence of quality.
The Organization personnel are herewith instructed to implement and work, within their area of responsibility, to the instructions laid down in this Quality Management Manual.
This document describes how the quality system of the Organization is designed to ensure that all requirements relating to quality are recognized and that a consistent, uniform and effective control of these requirements are adequately established and maintained.
This statement documents, the corporate commitment of the Organization to the objectives of this Quality Management System.